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Our Nursery

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Our nursery is located at Ohoka, 20km north of Christchurch. It consists of both open-ground and containerised growing systems. While we specialise in the cypresses and in particular those listed below, we also grow a range of other exotic trees and natives.

Cypress species grown:

• Macrocarpa,

• Lusitanica,

• Arizonica,

• Lawsons

• Himalayan cypress.


Hybrid cypresses grown:

• Leyland cypress varieties including Ferndown, Naylor’s Blue, Robinson’s Gold, SuperL Green Spire

• Ovensii or Ovens cypress

Other exotic trees:

• Radiata pine

• Redwood – giant & coastal

• Eucalypts – fastigata & nitens

• Western Red Cedar

• Crow’s Nest & Lombardy poplar

NZ natives:

• NZ flaxes

• Kanuka

• Manuka

• Kauri

• Totara

In addition to growing the above, we also offer contract growing and propagation services, including family heirloom preservation projects – please contact us to discuss further.